Monetary History of France
Gallo-Roman Empire
Postumus – 259-268 AD
Laelinanus – 268 AD
Marius 268 – AD
Victorinus – 268 AD
Tetricus I – 270-273 AD
Tetricus II Caesar – 270-273 AD
Burgundian Dynasty
435-532 AD
Gundobald (473-516 AD)
Sigismund (516-524 AD)
Gundomar II (524-532 AD)
Merovingian Dynasty
475-751 AD
Childeric I (c. 475-481)
Clovis I (481-511)
The 4 sons of Clovis I
Theuderic I (511-533)
Theudebert I (533-548)
Theudebald (548-555)
Clodomer (511-524)
Childebert I (511-558)
Lothar I (or Clothar)(511-558)
United Kings of the Franks
Lothar I (558-561)
Divided Kingdom
Sons of Lothar I
Charibert I (561-567)
Sigibert I (561-575)
Childebert II (575-595)
Theudebert II (595-612)
Guntram (561-593)
Theuderic II (595-613)
Chilperic I (560-584)
Lothar II (584-613)
Lothar II (613-623)
Dagobert I (623-629)
Lothar II (623-629)
Charibert II (629-632)
Chilperic ? (632)
Dagobert I (632-639)
Sigebert II (639-656)
Dagobert II (656-661)
Childeric II (662-675)
Clovis II (639-657)
Lothar II (657-673)
Theuderic III (673-679)
Merovingian Dynasty
Theuderic III (679-690)
Clovis III (690-694)
Childebert III (694-711)
Dagobert III (711-715)
Chilperic II (716-721)
Theuderic IV (721-737)
Childeric III (742-751)
Carolingian Dynasty
751AD –
Pippin the Short (751-768)
Charlemagne (768-814)
Louis Le Debonnaire (781-814)
Louis the Pious (814-940)
Pippin I of Aquitaine (817-838)
Pippin II of Aquitaine (814-839)
Lothaire I (823-855)
Charles the Bald (838-877)
Louis the German (840-876)
Charles of Aquitaine (855-867)
Carloman of Bavaria (876-880)
Louis II the Stammerer (877-879)
Louis III of Neustria (879-882)
Carloman of Aquitaine (879-884)
Eudes of Odo (887-898)
Arnulf of Germany (887-928)
Louis III the Blind (887-928)
Berenger I of Italy (916-922)
Charles the Simple (898-923)
Louis IV of Germany (900-911)
Henry of Germany (919-936)
Raoul (923-936)
Louis IV D’Outremer (936-954)
Conrad of Burgundy (937-993)
Lothar (954-986)
Hugh Capet (987-998)
Robert II the Pious (996-1031)
Henry I (1031-1060)
Philippe I (1060-1108)
Louis VI le Gros (1108-1137)
Louis VII the Young (1137-1180)
Philippe II Auguste (1180-1223)
Louis VIII the Lion (1223-1226)
Gold Coinage Reappears
Louis IX (St Louis) (1226-1270)
Philippe III the Hardy (1270-1285)
Philippe IV le Bel (1285-1314)
Louis X le Hutin (1314-1316)
Philippe V the Long (1316-1322)
Charles IV le Bel (1322-1328)
Philippe VI de Valois (1328-1350)
Jean II le Bon (1350-1364)
Charles V le Sage (1364-1380)
Charles VI (1380-1422)
Henry V (1415-1422)
Henry VI (1422-1453)
Charles VII (1422-1461)
Louis XI (1461-1483)
Charles VIII (1483-1498)
Louis XII (1498-1515)
Francis I (1515-1547)
Henry II (1547-1559)
Francis II (1559-1560)
Charles IX (1560-1574)
Henry III (1574-1589)
Charles X (1589-1590)
Henry IV (1589-1610)
Louis XIII (1610-1643)
Louis XIV (1643-1715)
Louis XV (1715-1774)
Louis XVI (1774-1793)
French Revolution
Constitutional Issues (1791-1792)
1st Republic (1793-1794)
Directory (1795-1799)
Napoleon Consulate (1799-1804)
Napoleon I Emperor (1804-1814)
Napoleon II (1811-1832)
Louis XVIII (1814-1815)
Napoleon I Restoration (1815)
Louis XVIII Restoration (1815-1824)
Charles X (1824-1830)
Louis Philippe (1830-1848)
Henry V the Pretender (1820-1833)
2nd Republic (1848-1870)
Louis Napoleon (1851-1852)
Napoleon III (1848-1852)
Gov’t Natl Defense (1852-1870)
3rd Republic (1870-1871)
Vichy State (1929-1936)
Etat Francais (1940-1944)
Cinquieme Republic (1959-Date)
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